Organising Societies

Malaysian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology and Neurocritical Care (MSNACC)

There is an emerging number of anaesthesiologists with special interest in perioperative neurosciences from public, private and university hospitals in Malaysia. This subsequently catalyses the formation of MSNACC on 28 May 2021. The MSNACC is a non-profitable and self-generating professional body. Through its small but growing number of members, MSNACC aims to facilitate educational activities and development of guidelines on neuroanaesthesiology and neurocritical care in Malaysia. MSNACC also organises educational programme, formal attachments, workshops, international and national conferences, and local training platforms, all for the betterment of perioperative neurosciences in Malaysia.

Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF)

The Anesthesia Patients Safety Foundation (APSF) is an international non-for-profit foundation created by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) whose vision is that “no one shall be harmed by anesthesia care.” The APSF welcomes all stakeholders in healthcare to work together to improve the safety of both patients and providers.

Our mission is to improve safety by:

  • Identifying safety initiatives and creating recommendations to implement directly and with partner organisations
  • Being a leading voice for anaesthesia patient safety worldwide
  • Supporting and advancing anaesthesia patient safety culture, knowledge, and learning

American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

At the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), we take pride in our dedication to raising and maintaining the standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology and improving patient care. Since 1905, our achievements have played an important role in American medicine and we’ve acted as an advocate for all patients who require anesthesia or relief from pain. We provide outstanding education, research and scientific knowledge to physician anesthesiologists and care team members.

International Society for the Perioperative Care of Patients with Obesity (ISPCOP)

Members are physicians who are engaged in the practice of medicine dealing with surgical patients with obesity, and non-physicians who are involved in the perioperative care of these individuals.

Our members are globally connected in sharing ideas, knowledge, and expertise in the management of perioperative care of patients with obesity.

The Society of Obesity & Bariatric Anaesthesia, UK (SOBA, UK)

We provide a voice for those caring for patients with obesity, and specialists in the bariatric field, representing their views and interests.

SOBA provides a forum for all practitioners with an interest in the care of obese patients to communicate and exchange information.

We encourage the formation of research networks and provide guidelines for anaesthetising obese patients. We disseminate best practice and new knowledge. We work with the Royal College of Anaesthetists to support education and training for all anaesthetists and colleagues.

Society for Neuroscience in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC)

The mission of the SNACC is to safeguard and optimise perioperative neurologic function and brain health through neuroscience research, education, and advocacy, thereby advancing high-quality, patient-centred anaesthesia and critical care. SNACC was founded in 1973 (as the Neurosurgical Anesthesia Society or NAS), in the United States, with many luminaries (both anesthesiologists and neurosurgeons) in the field serving as its first leaders. Now in its 52nd year, SNACC continues to be a worldwide leader in the creation and dissemination of Neuroanesthetic and Neurocritical Care knowledge, discovery, practice guidelines, and education, having collaborated also with many affiliates and stakeholders across the globe. SNACC is committed to the worldwide furthering of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical Care as disciplines that are essential to the care of diverse patients, and to the advancement of these fields for the betterment of all of mankind.

Singapore Society of Anaesthesiologists

The Singapore Society of Anaesthesiologists (SSA) is a professional medical society open to all registered medical practitioners engaged in the practice of anaesthesia. We welcome anaesthesia specialists, trainees, residents, fellows, and medical officers to join us. Allied healthcare professionals & medical students with an interest in anaesthesia, perioperative care, critical care, and pain medicine may join SSA as Associate Members. The SSA organises and sanctions educational events that promote learning and interaction for its members.

Countdown to APSS-ROBAC 2025
